Miles of Smiles, Years of Struggle chronicles the untold story of the Pullman Porters who organized the first Black trade union. These men, the best and brightest of their communities, faced tough times on the railroad.

Free Show Tonite brings to life an old-time medicine show, complete with comedy skits from Greasy Medlin; music from Roy Acuff, Snuffy Jenkins, Pappy Sherrill, Guitar Slim and Walking Mary; and a snake oil pitch from Doc Bloodgood.

The Stone Carvers captures the work and infectious spirit of the Italian-American artisans who spent their lives carving the statues and gargoyles of the Washington Cathedral. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Short Documentary.

The Congress of Wonders is an award-winning film based on the tragic-comic short story by Ed McClanahan. During World War II, a young boy follows his brother to a traveling freak show and learns more about the future than he bargained for.

Signature: Ed McClanahan profiles a writer who has woven his small-town-Kentucky-to-Ken-Kesey-Merry-Prankster life story into remarkable works of fiction and non-fiction that are as laugh-out-loud funny as they are profound.

Out of Ireland tells the stories of eight Irish immigrants to America fleeing famine and political strife, featuring Liam Neeson, Gabriel Byrne, Kelly McGillis, Aidan Quinn and Brenda Fricker, and the music of Mick Moloney.

Signature: George C. Wolfe profiles the controversial theatre director, producer and playwright whose work on Angels in America, Jelly’s Last Jam, and Bring in Da Noise/Bring in Da Funk galvanized the New York theatre scene of the 1990s.

A Paralyzing Fear tells the story of polio in America, from illness to epidemic to cure. The victim interviews and superb period footage bring to life not just a medical emergency, but an entire era in US history. Winner of a national Emmy Award.

Windhorse tells the story of three young Tibetans struggling for freedom under the harsh regime of the Chinese communists. This dramatic feature, the world’s first digitally shot theatrical release, was filmed secretly inside Tibet and Nepal.

Absolutely Irish is a once-in-a-lifetime concert by top traditional Irish musicians Mick Moloney, Eileen Ivers, John Doyle, Seamus Egan, Liz Carroll, Karan Casey, Athena Tergis, Susan McKeown, Robbie O'Connell, Billy McComiskey, Tim Collins, Niall O’Leary and Darrah Carr.

Thoroughbred takes us inside the world of big-time horse racing where we meet the trainers, jockeys, owners and breeders on the backside, the auction ring, the breeding shed, and the winner’s circle at the Kentucky Derby.